Filling out employment counseling survey form
Trainees must fill out the application form in detail, especially those who are dependants of veterans, with the veteran's name, birth date, I.D. number. After being admitted into the program, trainees should also fill out forms given to them by the employment service station, stating their future plans, whether their will seek employment or start their own business, their previous work experience, special talents, the kind of work looking for, location and pay. This is to facilitate follow up by the employment service station.
Filling out resumes for manpower bank
Trainees can fill out the resume form on-line or on a printed copy. To fill out the form on-line, trainees should have an e-mail account, or else the manpower bank would not be able to respond. It is best if they have their own personal computers. If they prefer the printed copy, they can get it free from the center's employment service station. After filling out the form, they should mail it to the manpower bank. The manpower bank will notify the trainees should job opportunities arise. The difference between the two is matter of time. Trainees are free to choose either way.
Opening positions
Job opportunities on the Web (including information from manpower banks)
Trainees are welcomed to use, besides their own PCs, computers at the center or those in the Internet cafe near their dormitory
This test is designed by psychologists using relevant parameters and charts to find out trainees' aptitude. It provides students with an idea on what they are good at and what needs to be improved. After being admitted into the program, trainees can get a test form from the employment service station and, with the help of station staff, fill it out by linking relevant parameters into a chart. Station staff will also help trainees to interpret the chart so that trainees may use it as a reference for future decision on work or study.
The center sponsors two recruiting events by businesses, once in the first half of the year and the other in the second half of the year.
Veteran service office in each region, county or township will post updated information on such recruiting activities. Interested companies are welcome to check the bulletin boards.
List of graduating trainees will be sent to various veteran service offices for further assistance.
When trainees who have completed the program receive notice of employment from Veterans Service Office, they should fully cooperate. Trainees should also cooperate with the Veterans Affairs Council, which conducts follow-up survey, and honestly report the referring veteran service office.
To facilitate follow- up on trainees' employment situation, when Veterans Service Office reports to the Veterans Affairs Council on results of employment assistance, it should mark "program trainees" in the "note" column of the report form. center on employment results to the Veterans Affairs Council, "trainees" should be written in the remark column. Trainees who have completed training should be cooperative.
Every term, different classes will take field trips to related industries and businesses. This will help to increase trainees' understanding of the nature of the job and experience interaction with related industries and businesses, so that employment guidance may be more effective.
Besides asking Veteran Service Offices for assistance, we also design an "employment survey card." This card is sent to trainees 1-2 months after they have completed training. All trainees are asked to cooperate in honestly filling out and returning the card.
Be not proud and reserved, and treasure the job opportunity.
Take a job first, and look for a better one later.
Promote merits of the military, avoid disagreeable civilian practices.
Improve professional skills according to your work needs.
Write an interesting resume, promote yourself.
Touch base with the society in general, be optimistic and positive, and establish good interpersonal connections.
Focus on a clear goal, work towards it with a single mind until you succeed.